Forge resources corp holds a 60% interest in permitted coal project
About Aion Mining Corp.
Aion Mining controls the FLG-111 concession that covers 548 Ha in a region of historic and current coal mining. Historical exploration within this concession area has determined the property to host several coking and thermal coal seams. Aion holds historical NI 43-101 and Annual CRIRSCO technical reports. The project is road accessible, water, electricity, and phone signal on site. Current coal stockyards approximately 40 kilometres away on main highway to Atlantic ports for export.
Aion Mining Corp. -A Strategic Investment with a Potential Path to Generating Revenue:
- The property contains eight known seams of metallurgical and thermal coal shown from recent and historical diamond drilling programs and surface exposures
- The project is fully permitted under Colombian Law, including environmental licensing
- Location and existing regional coal mining infrastructure is excellent
- Recently completed a drill program that further confirms the existence and location of seams and contained coal quality
- Diverse and experienced Colombian management team consisting of mining and civil engineers, geologists, and an experienced social and environmental manager
- Country manager was formerly a member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Colombian Coal Producers.
- Aion will proceed with performing underground bulk sampling of the different seams
37% of the world’s electricity and over 70% of the world’s steel is produced using coal.
Coal plays a major role in delivering power across the globe – it is still the world’s largest single source of electricity and will still contribute 22% in 2040. This figure is even higher in emerging markets – in Southeast Asia, coal will fuel 39% of electricity in 2040.

Steel production
Coking coal is a key raw material in steel production. As iron occurs only as iron oxides in the earth’s crust, the ores must be converted, or ‘reduced’, using carbon. The primary source of this carbon is coking coal. Coke, made by carburising coking coal (i.e. heating in the absence of oxygen at high temperatures), is the primary reducing agent of iron ore. Coke reduces iron ore to molten iron saturated with carbon, called hot metal. Around 1 billion tonnes of metallurgical coal are used annually in global steel production.
Cement production
A high-temperature kiln, often fueled by coal, heats the raw materials of calcium carbonate (generally in the form of limestone), silica, iron oxide and alumina to a partial melt at 1450°C, transforming them chemically and physically into a substance known as clinker. This grey pebble-like material comprises special compounds that give cement its binding properties. Clinker is mixed with gypsum and ground to a fine powder to make cement. Coal combustion products (CCPs), such as Fly Ash also play an important role in cement manufacturing and in the construction industry.
Aluminium production
Coal is a key energy fuel in the production of aluminum –a non-ferrous metal known for its lightweight properties and widely used in cars, trains, and airplanes to reduce the weight of these vehicles and their energy consumption. Coal accounts for over 60% of the energy used to produce aluminum.
Reducing particulate emissions
Several technologies have been developed to control particulate emissions and are widely deployed worldwide including coal cleaning, electrostatic precipitators (ESP), fabric filters, wet scrubbers and hot gas filtration systems. As well as capturing particulates, these technologies can increase SO2 removal, capture particulates and reduce the release of pollutants. Technologies can reduce particulate emissions by over 99.5% and are widely applied in both developed and developing countries.

Key Details
Forge Resources Corp. holds an option agreement on a 548-hectare mining concession in the Santander region of Colombia. The project is fully licensed for exploration to production, with an approved output of 180,000 metric tons per year, and potential for expansion. Measured, Indicated, and Inferred Resources, split 50% between High Volatile Coking and Thermal Coal.
Located in a mining-friendly jurisdiction, Colombia ranks among the top 10 global producers of coking and thermal coal.

Project Summary
Forge Resources Corp holds an option agreement on a 548 ha mining concession located in Santander region of Colombia:
- Fully licensed, from Exploration to Production: Approved 180,000 Mt/year possibility to increase
- Environmental License granted Mining concession granted for 43 + years
- LOI’s to purchase 100% of bulk sample to production from top coal buyers
- SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd. NI 43-101 report by Paul Bright, Principal Geologist February 2012 outlining Historical Measured/Indicated and Inferred Resources
- 50% High Volatile Coking –50% Thermal
- Favorable market conditions & strong demand of Colombian Coal for international markets
- Mining-friendly jurisdiction with Colombia ranked among top 10 producers of thermal and coking coal
Historical Resource Estimate*
*According to SRK Consulting (UK) NI 43-101 report dated February 2012 by Paul Bright, Principal Geologist Drilling Campaign of 2023 concentrated in 5% of the area of the mining concession. Geology shows the potential to find additional coal seams.
Bulk sample ready project
– Environmental License granted
– Approved exploration underground bulk sampling program to development.
– SRK Consulting NI 43-101
– Coking coal: 50% high volatile
– Thermal coal: 50% high BTU’s (+12,500 BTU’s)
– Potential buyers’ stockyards 40 kms away which is on main highway to Atlantic ports for export
– Water, electricity, phone signal at project site

The distance between the La Estrella Project site and the Santa Marta port offers two transportation options. The first involves a 9-kilometer off-road route, followed by a 575-kilometer journey on the National Highway, taking approximately 10 hours by truck. An alternative is road travel to the Chiriguaná Train station (350 kilometers, 6 hours), followed by a 220-kilometer train journey to the port. A potential bulk coal buyer seeks FOT (Free on Truck) delivery at the project site.
Simple underground bulk sample strategy
– Testeros / Reversed Steps Method for + 40º
– Blast & Slusher for – 40º
Sampling Program Approved:
– 5 major potentially economic seams (all outcropping)
preliminary project advancements
- Site development plan in place to show thelocation of infrastructure within the propertyboundaries
- Completed
Portal construction
Mining Plaza (~5000 m2)
Decline pilot drilling
Drainage works
Camp dining and kitchen
Temporary internal roads
Core shack
Offices - Planned / In Progress
Camp housing
Electrical substation
Improved property access road
Hoppers and processing equipment
Coal Storage
Water treatment facilities
Latest La Estrella Announcements
Stay up to date with Forge’s latest milestones, investor updates, and media coverage.
Environment, social and community engagement
Company’s team has been actively engaging with the community and developing early actions to characterize, socialize and to impact the wellbeing of its neighbors.
In the municipality of Betulia, there are three schools focused on academic development and supported with infrastructure, materials, and communication resources. Additionally, these schools actively seek out training programs to enhance professional development.
We aim to expand water infrastructure to better serve the community by increasing water availability. Furthermore, our commitment includes full compliance with the management and treatment of water used in our mining operations.
Forestation, flora and fauna
Our goals include promoting and implementing reforestation efforts in the region and ensuring the preservation of native flora and fauna habitats.
We are committed to ongoing improvement and maintenance of access roads to Betulia, as well as the development of infrastructure that fosters trade and business growth between Betulia and neighboring regions.
Our objective is to enhance the capacity and quality of communication infrastructure in the area, providing improved access to cell phone signals and internet connectivity.
Support of Other Economic Activities
We aim to encourage the establishment of new businesses that contribute to the project’s development and to enhance trade and connectivity between Betulia and other commercial destinations.
We will create spaces and organize events that promote and nurture local culture, strengthen community traditions, and foster unity among residents.